At this time of year we’re all prepping our boats for the winter, which includes removing all sails and covers – – take a look below at our list of things to check as you remove them. Not only does this let you know of anything needing immediate repair, but it warns you for any future issues that might need attention either during or after the next season.
We would also recommend having your sails and covers washed and serviced each winter, as it will increase the life of them and ensures they are checked over regularly by a sail or cover professional. It does make it easier if you’re already aware of what needs fixing and it’s good to tell us when you come in, as we can then discuss possible options and costs involved in any repairs.
When removing your sails for the winter we recommend checking the following as you flake the sail…
-Luff: look at the webbings, slides, batten boxes (if fully battened), headboard, liners, spectacles, reef cringles. Does anything look worn or broken? Are any slides damaged, broken or cracked? Maybe they need replacing. Is it worth having a professional take a look at a certain bit? Are the webbings starting to fray or in need of replacement?
-Leech: is the fabric starting to soften around the reef patches? How are the reef eyelets? Is there any chafing on the leech line and is the cleat still intact and attached correctly? Are the telltales there or is there some in need of replacement? If there is a UV strip, is it worn or ripped at all?
-Foot: any chafe or rubbing along the edge or on the UV? Are any patches needed or does the UV need replacing? Have the reef indicators come off? If there’s a foot line is it still intact or is it chafing at all? Is the cleat still fixed correctly?
-Battens: are any battens broken or missing? If so, ensure you bring the broken batten in to be replaced when you have your sail serviced. There’s no need to bring all the battens, but it is good to see the broken one!
If you notice anything unusual or in need of attention just let your sailmaker know when you take it in for servicing. That way nothing will get missed and if anything is a particular issue, it is highlighted and inspected by a professional. You can always give us a call if you want further advice, or why not pop a message to The Pod and see what others have done to solve their own sail or cover problems?!